Monday, June 19, 2006

On the Road Again.....

Sadly, our time in Grand Rapids has come to an end and we're heading out today. The past week has flown by and we didn't get to spend nearly enough time with friends and family as we would have liked, but, such is life, and so we're heading out. To any friends that we missed this time around, we promise to see you next time!
The kids have had a TON of fun with their cousins and I'm sure we'll hear a lot of request for robby?johnny? on our trip to Indi today, but they'll get over it. I think the kids might be getting tired of traveling....yesterday and today Owen has asked me, "time to go home yet mama?" He's so cute. :)
Anyway, Indiana is next on our list, where we'll stay the night and then head to Tennessee for Steve's conference. I'll try to blog again once we get to Nashville, but I'm not sure if I'll have a lot of time for internet access between chasing kids around the hotel and trying to keep them from drowning themselves in the pool! :)
Hope everyone is having a great summer so far....
Until next time!!


Anonymous said...

Those pics are so cute. I love the one of Johnny and Ayden. Do you have more?

Anonymous said...

yeah, but i was frantically uploading those yesterday morning before we left and that's all I had time for.
I won't have a chance to do anymore while I'm here because Steve-o's laptop can't handle my huge pictures out of my'll have to wait until I get home to see more! :)