Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Spot 'o Tea

Today the boys are having an English tea party at preschool because they're learning about other countries, so they had to dress up in "church clothes" so they looked the part. They had a lot of fun with's some pictures. I almost posted the straight up color versions, but decided to post the textured ones because I'm mildly obsessed with texturizing and grunging up my photos lately. And if you have no idea what that means, that's ok.

I love these two monkeys....

Happy Wednesday! Cheerio!


Anonymous said...

ADORABLE! My gosh, Owen looks so old! I am in love with his hair! Did he get it cut recently? It looks all choppy and cool.

Those are some sharp looking boys!

Anonymous said...

Cute pics.

Anonymous said...

LOVE THE PIX!! they are so cute! such a great job!! :)

Anonymous said...

HAIRCUT HAIRCUT HAIRCUT.....Oh, kids look cool too!!!LOL

Anonymous said...

they are so adorable...

you would think that they were professional actors...

No children actually are THIS happy... are they!?!?! :)

Anonymous said...

they are so adorable...

you would think that they were professional actors...

No children actually are THIS happy... are they!?!?! :)