Thursday, July 17, 2008

Meet my niece & nephews

I know you've seen them several times before....but here's some snapshots of my niece and nephews in know, in case you want to meet them. :) Because I know you do.

Here's Robby - at 8, he's the oldest of the brood and a very typical firstborn - competitive, perfectionist, scholarly, a leader. He's a fun kid and he can kick my butt on the Wii.

Here's Johnny....he and Owen are only 3 months apart in age. While he's closest to Owen in age, he's more like AJ's twin in personality. Gregarious, fun-loving, mischeivous, athletic, and a real funny man.

Here's Abby - age 3 and family diva. She actually has red curly hair (before I converted this photo to black and white that is) and she is a piece. of. work.
For real. She'll tell you what's up. And then she'll roll her eyes at you.
An Abby-ism:
I'm sitting on the floor in her room and she brings me this plush purple moose.
"this is a nice moose - where did you get him" I ask her.
She puts her finger over my mouth.
"Shhhhh. Don't talk. You're dead"

Kendrick a.k.a. Kenny - he's almost 2 and has the funniest little smile. I'll have to try to get a picture of it. His eyes crinkle up and he gives you this toothy Miss America grin. He keeps busy by tattling on Tyler all the time.

And then of course there's Number Five.....who's yet to arrive. *hmph*
She better get here before I leave, that's all I have to say.

The day after I got here, on Sunday - my parents had a little birthday party for Tyler. My dad has enjoyed baking birthday cakes for the Michigan grandkids for the last year or so and just recently decided to take a cake decorating class for fun to build on his hobby.
He made this cake for Tyler.

It sure as heck beats the messy crumbly blob that we made him last week.
You win, dad.
Show off.

Here's me trying to get Tyler to blow on the candle instead of swipe at it with his hand.

And one last one of Tyler...he's enjoying being in a new house, with new toys, and new people to play with.
Me too. :)


Anonymous said...

Yay, a post! Thank you. :)

The pic of you & Tyler is cute.

Anonymous said...

Finally... I was getting worried that you had gotten to Michigan... gotten wasted and were sleeping off a hangover! ;)

Props to your Dad on the's cute!

p.s. I miss you!

Anonymous said...

That is one kick-butt cake! Maybe I should squeeze in a few cake decorating classes before September. hmmmmm.

Anonymous said...

these are great and how is that good looking girl with Tyler! He he he...i crack myself up! We miss you and can't wait to see you!

Anonymous said...

and by *how* I mean *who* ugh...nothing worse then trying to be funny and screwing it up!

Anonymous said...

glad you posted. I needed something to read. . .

I love the one of you and Tyler at the end. It's super sweet!

Anonymous said...

glad you posted. I needed something to read. . .

I love the one of you and Tyler at the end. It's super sweet!