Friday, November 14, 2008

Eating Apples

Tyler is my wild man.
I've said before that "he's awful" or "he drives me bonkers" because well....a lot of times he does. And is.
Just this morning we had to pay plumbers to come out to the house and unclog the toilet because Tyler threw something down there. It was a rubber bathtoy/snail. The plumbers had a good chuckle from that one - I wiped away a tear as I wrote out the check. *sigh*

He requires most of my energy during the day and leaves me weary by bedtime. He is belligerent, stubborn, cheeky, demanding, fun, comedic, high energy, and into everything all the time. He demands 100% of my attention all the time - he rarely plays alone or quietly and requires constant attention and entertainment. He want to sit in my lap, or have me carry him, or tickle him, or read him books, or play with him ALL DAY LONG WITHOUT EVER STOPPING. For these reasons I simultaneously can't stand him and love him so much that I want to eat his little face. There's honesty for ya.

In many ways, he reminds me of myself, and of what I imagine that I was like as a child.

Today we had a good day.
He demanded, as always - but today I gave him all I had and it was amazing how happy we both were.
Just being together.

He worked on an apple the entire time I was taking these pictures
This one isn't in focus, BUT:
1) Tyler is hard to photograph because he NEVER holds still
2) I like it anyway. So there.

A total accident when he moved from the dark into the light of the window and I didn't have time to change my settings.
I think it was a happy accident.

He looks so big in this one, with his long lean legs and his mouth full of apple.
The wings...I'm mildly obsessed with the wings.....

This is one of Tyler's favorite tricks. He does this to his brothers and it totally infuriates them (and it annoys daddy too). He goes up to the tv armoire and pushes the button to turn off the television. Then he turns around and grins at whoever was watching tv and runs away.


Anonymous said...

He sure is growing up and coming into his own. O & A will pay! AND he does has that mischevious look in his eyes :-) AND I, too, am crazy about his wings. What an absolute doll baby! I could gobble him up - apple and all......

Anonymous said...

Wow! thats all I can say! Wow!

Seriously, you guys have ridiculously beautiful kids...

Okay I had more than wow.