Saturday, November 29, 2008

That's Random (An Aydenism)

Yesterday, as I'm cleaning up the kitchen, AJ comes around the corner:

AJ (sternly): Mom.
Me: yes?
AJ: Everybody in this house has a peepee but NOT you (as he pats where my "peepee" should be).
Me: Yes, that's true.
AJ: Because Daddy has a peepee, and Owen has a peepee, and I have a peepee, and Tyler has a peepee.
(as an afterthought):And Cooper has a peepee.

Me: Yes, that's right. Why don't you think I have one?
AJ: I dunno.....I think's it's becawse you are a goyle (girl).
Me: You're exactly right. Thanks for telling me.
AJ (walking away): You're welcome.


Anonymous said...

Zac always is telling me that my boobs make a great shelf...and then he usually "sits" something on them. In high school, I always wished I had a better "shelf". :/

Anonymous said...

How funny! Just like AJ. Don't you just wonder where their mind is when these random thoughts come to their mind.....And it always out of the clear blue. Enjoy those boys!

Anonymous said...

Love it!!!