Wednesday, July 5, 2006

Happy 4th of July! (a day late)

So I suppose I should say Happy 5th of July.

Hopefully everyone had a fun and safe holiday full of friends, family, BBQ, fireworks, and if you live down in the south with us - boiled peanuts and corn on the cob. (I usually pass on the boiled peanuts-gross).

We celebrated the holiday twice this week. Once on Sunday night at the Freedom Festival, sponsored by our very own Sherwood Baptist Church. Over 7,000 people in the community come through this big event hosted by the church and other businesses in the community at the high school campus where Steve works. A live band, inflatables, cotton candy, dipp'n dots, balloons, watermelon - you name it, it was there. The boys were particularly impressed (especially AJ) when the local military base brought down a Black Hawk helicopter. They did a low-altitude pass over the football field (note A.J.'s jaw drop to the ground) and then they went up and dropped 6 parachuters (is that a word?) that landed in the soccer field right next to us. AJ was thrilled and he literally grabbed my hand and dragged me across the field to the where the jumpers had landed, his little feet pounding as fast as they could across the lawn. He was even MORE excited when the helicopter came and landed right there on the soccer field as well. *GASP* "Oh WOW!! LOOK AT DA BIG HEWICOPTA!". He was a little geeked, if you can't tell.

Cue the fireworks, sponsored by Chick-Fil-A, which AJ was soundly entertained by and Owen lay face-down on the blanket with his hands over his eyes. Obviously not a big fan.

Yesterday we were invited to hang out with the incredibly large Perkins family and were invited out to one of many aunts' house for BBQ, swimming & boating in the Flint River. It was relaxing to hang out and meet new people and eat good food on a holiday. The boys had a grand time swimming in the river - AJ literally swam for a couple of hours and cried when it was time to leave. Here's Owen getting his feet wet when we first arrived. For awhile, he stuck to the pool, but when he saw how much fun AJ was having in the river, he came over to join him.

And of course, what's Fourth of July swimming without a little skinny dipping?? Of course, our nudist children only remained clothed for about an hour until they stripped it all off and were having a good 'ole time swimm'n in they birthday suits.

As you can see, Ayden was quite comfortable in jumping off the dock, which he did multiple times throughout the day. I gave him an extra vitamin at breakfast this morning though, because he actually DRANK quite a great deal of river water yesterday, much as I tried to stop him. *sigh* This color one is my favorite of AJ from yesterday reminds me of him...full of life and color, very vivid, and with a great deal of motion blur. I think I might frame it and hang it in the house somewhere - I think it looks like a painting, what do you all think? :)

We also went on boat rides on the river, so I took my camera and took a few shots of various scenery. Scenic is not my thing, but I came up with a couple that I didn't think were half bad. Here's someone's dock that was starting to collapse. Casey told me that once a summer they lower the water in the river so that people can work on their docks. Hopefully they do it soon or these people may not have a dock left to work on!

At the picnic, there were SO many people there (makes me want to have a large family!) There was probably 60-70 Perkins family members and their various offspring coming and going throughout the day, children of all ages, toys, water toys, tubing, swimming...there was a lot going on. Of course there was seating for all these people scattered throughout the yard as well. I liked this stone bench. :)

And then I saw this old rusty car tucked away in the corner of the yard. Casey kept asking me why I was taking so many pictures of junk and I should get my butt over to the water and "take more pictures of pretty things". Junk has so much more character, doncha think? :)

Anyway, hope everyone had a great holiday! Happy 5th of July!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow...thank you for the nice things about my family! I am so glad that you all had fun & I hope that ya'll will continue to be a part of my big 'ole "family"!
Anyway...I really want the car & the bench photos for my room, just send me a bill :)
Ok happy, happy...
caseyp <><