Saturday, July 22, 2006

Toccoa Falls

Tonight I've been procrastinating on sessions that I need to proof so I started messing around with these pictures I took when we were in Rabun Gap. On the way home, we stopped at Toccoa Falls, my first experience with a waterfall (except Niagra, but that's like comparing a Hummer with a crotch-rocket - equally cool, but completely different). Needless to say, it was gorgeous and were it not for the boys (who were intent on launching themselves into the churning water at the base of the cliff) I could've stayed there all day taking pictures. As it were, I was only able to snap a few due to the fact that I was warding off heart failure as Owen and AJ climbed like mountain goats all over the rocks around the base of the falls. I was also busy protecting my 3rd child, Canon, from splashing or internal damage from the mist. So here's a few snaps that I took when I could - I was preoccupied with the safety of the boys and didn't bother to change my settings, hence the blown highlights and grain (grrr.) Sometimes I have to remind myself that all our family pictures don't have to be of portrait quality. So here are some true snapshots.
The butterfly was one of many that we found nestled under some rocks at the base of the falls. It was cool and damp under there (I was wary of snakes, but didn't see any--thank you God) which didn't seem like a place that butterflies would like, but who am I to judge the resting places of a butterfly? There was another one that was even cooler - it was blue and black, but Owen scared it away before I could get a picture. He enjoyed making them fly away into the mist. The boys (all 3 of them) also enjoyed hunting for big rocks to throw into the "wittel watafalls" (little waterfalls furthur downstream) so that's what the last picture is, technically imperfect though it may be (Can you tell I'm a little hung-up over the messed up pictures?? :) lol
Anyway....hope you like. :)

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