Thursday, February 21, 2008

Because He Rocks My Socks

Every year the smartest kid (based on SAT scores) at all the area schools gets nominated the Star Student, and in turn nominates one of their teachers as the Star Teacher. It's a pretty big deal. They have a dinner at a country club to honor the student and their chosen teacher and each of the students gives a speech about the teacher that they chose. To quote the requirements of the Star Teacher: "...exemplifies the profound influence and admirable qualities of Georgia teachers and dedication to the profession that helps shape the destiny of our state and nation."

Steve-o is Star Teacher this year.

Yup. 2 years at Sherwood. 2 years Star Teacher.
He's awesome. All the kids at the school love him. And not just because he's "fun" or because he teaches a bird course (you "fly" right through), on the contrary, his classes are difficult and challenging and he challenges them intellectually, and makes them think, not memorize, and he teaches them to think critically, and question everything. He's the ideal Socratic teacher.
And I'm more than a little proud.


Anonymous said...

SteveO is someone's Jimminy Cricket!! Well done Sir,,,,,,,

Anonymous said...

Well, well - now just aren't we the proud parents of the 2008 Teacher of the Year!!!!!!! Good for Stephen! Now I am sure that they will allow O-dawg to go to school for FREE! :-)

Anonymous said...

yep... he's pretty great... I'm glad that I had the chance to have Steveo for a teacher... even if it was just for a little while!

Anonymous said...

Yay for Steve!

Anonymous said...

What Casey said.

Anonymous said...

Good for you Steve ( still have trouble saying that since I have always known him as Stephen) but anyway.....that is truely an honor....Congrats!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

congrats Steve!