Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Say WHAT?!

This morning, when I picked the boys up from preschool I was given a registration packet just in case we wanted to enroll Owen in Sherwood's kindergarten next year. I have a lot to say on the words "just in case" and the face that it's more like the unspoken rule: "do it or you're fired", but I won't go into that here, now.
Anyway, let me pick my jaw up off the floor to relay this information to you and you can either agree that the costs of sending Owen to Sherwood are absolutely LAUGHABLE or...tell me I'm crazy and to get over it.

Try this on for size: Your wee 5 year old boy is preparing to enter kindergarten in the fall. You open your welcome packet and peruse your costs. Here's what you see:

New Student Application & Testing Fee: $50
Initial Registration Fee: $300
"Tuition Assurance Fee" I'm still trying to figure out what this means: $150
Technology Fee: $100

So...right off the bat, we've got to pay $600 UP FRONT before the school year even starts. THEN, throw in the actual tuition of $4,425.00 available in low monthly payments of only $442.50, just to make things a little easier on you, thankyouverymuch. NOW, granted that we would get a small discount, considering that Steve is employed by the school, but I'm not sure how much - 15%, 25% maybe?

Oh yes, but let's not forget the UNIFORMS, which absolutely MUST be purchased by XX Uniform Company because they are of the utmost quality and affordable to the masses
the school gets a kickback for it.

So....let's go minimalist and say that we get the O-dawg 2 pants, 2 shorts, 3 short-sleeve shirts, and 3 long-sleeve shirts. The total for that small wardrobe (that he can't wear anywhere else but to school, and may outgrow half of part way during the school year)?? That would cost $204.90 plus tax. Oh, and heck, let's throw in a sweatshirt for the couple of months it's cold out - that'll be an extra $25.45. And a hooded jacket for the spring? Well, sure! $30.74 please, bringing our grand total bare minimum clothing cost to: $261.09. Plus tax. And please don't tear them, or get them dirty, or grow out of them because little boys never do things like that.

SO our total for my 50lb little boy to start learning how to read at SCA in the fall will be approximately $5286.09. Throw in a few hundred in incidentals (field trips, christmas parties, cupcakes for the class on your birthday, etc. etc) and you have enough money to take the fam to Aruba for 2 weeks over spring break.

I vote for Aruba.


Anonymous said...

Completely insane! That's all I have to say about that.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Are you expecting sympathy?

Anonymous said...

Ooo, forgot to tell ya, they'll take it right out of Steve's check so that you'll never miss it. mwa, ha, ha!!

Anonymous said...

clint - yes.
and i think we'd probably miss it when we DIDN"T GET PAID FOR 3 MONTHS.

Anonymous said...

oh my. you'd think your kids would go free since your hubby works there. ouch.

Anonymous said...

welcome to the BIG SHOW...After writing this several times, I choose not to comment...(Amy reads this blog)...LMAO

Anonymous said...

Just put him in public school in Albany...he'll be fine, really...than there's the Nowack home school for creative arts..........

Anonymous said...

Yeah... welcome to insanity. I vote public school. Thats what we will be doing.

Over $5,000. How freakin rediculous. He is 5 years old for crying out loud.

Anonymous said...

yep... yep... yep... it's crazy... But DOCO schools... suck...

Welcome to Albany :)

Anonymous said...

Casey, your such a Negitive Nancy. Not all DOCO schools suck. Just... most of them

Anonymous said...

Just so you know, a semesters tuition at UGA is only $1,200 more than that of SCA.

Anonymous said...

I hate to say it but I will anyway... Welcome to the world of education and extracurriculars.....
We budget $1,000 -$1,500 EVERY August to get the kids enrolled in school and uniforms and supplies and activity fees and football and that IS at a public school. And just think in two years Kyle will be driving and his insurance we found out will be $2500 per year with his sister one year behind him. Oh and for alittle shock value The youngin' turned 12 on Wednesday going on 25.... Hang in there you only have 25 more years before your children are grown. : - )