Friday, February 29, 2008

Some Baby Deliciousness for Your Enjoyment

He crawled yesterday.

After eating a snack after nap, I brushed him off and set him in the living room with a basket of toys and went into the kitchen to start making dinner. Next thing I know I turn around and there he is in the kitchen. And he's been crawling around the house ever since, pulling himself up on the coffee table (now put away), chasing after his brothers, picking up minuscule pieces of lint and paper and eating them. Last night Steve and I shook our heads over how much he's changed in the last 7 months and then I promptly demanded he impregnate me immediately so that I could have another small baby burrito to swaddle and nuzzle to which he shot me a look that clearly stated "hell, no".
Maybe next week.

Here are some from today, with him in his Argyle Baby Legs, looking so soft and adorable and baby blue that I just wanted to eat him up. Hope you all had a great Friday.


Anonymous said...

Are those baby legs made for crawling? I wish I had known about those!

Anonymous said...

They're not made for crawling, they're just really cute legging/sock things.
WAY cuter for girls, but I can't help myself and bought him a few. They can be worn for quite a few years - you should get some for your girls - they're super cute!

Anonymous said...

Wow, he's growing up super fast, getting cuter by the minute!

Yes, please go have another beautiful baby! You can never have too many beautiful Nowack children in the world. :)

Anonymous said...

Now the fun really begins!!!! O and A will get so made at Tyler now that he can get at their stuff faster. What an absolute cutie!!!!!!! Love the leggins - they may not be made for crawling, but what a great idea!!!!! Kiss those crawling legs for Gramma!

Anonymous said...

I don't know, I'm a teen of the 80's but I think those things have already been invented...and they were called LEG WARMERS.

Can you believe we wore those things?

BTW, they're definitely cuter on babies. Do they actually stay up when he crawls?

Anonymous said...

Amy - he has some striped ones that are totally 80's, and some skull ones, and some flame ones too. :) And yes, they stay up when he crawls. I just use them like pants - makes diaper changes faster!