Monday, February 18, 2008

Where's that marijuna? An Owenism....

Just now...I'm recovering from a particularly hellish "workout" (i.e. Dan the workout man invents various forms of torture to effectively rubberize my upper arms) and Owen is digging around in the refrigerator.

me: Owen, what are you into out there?
Owen: I want some pot.
me: You want some pot??
Owen: No, I want some POT.
Me: you want what?
Owen: POT
Me: We don't have any pot. And even if we did, it wouldn't be in the refrigerator.
Owen: But I LIKE it!!
Me: Whatever, punk.
Me: with a sigh, getting up, going to the fridge, looking inside. Owen points to some leftover chocolate pie from Valentine's Day. "That's not pot. It's chocolate pie"
Owen: Oh. Well, I want some.


Anonymous said...

Geeze lawize. Kids are getting hooked on drugs younger and younger these days.

Anonymous said...

Apparently my comment was so good that it posted 3 times. *rolls eyes* Stupid computers.

Anonymous said...

At least he doesn't want crystal meth or crank...whatever you guys call it over!!

Anonymous said...

I want some of Owen's pot!

Anonymous said...

I was just @ Loco's and I saw Marinara sauce and kept thinking... Marijuana sauce... how cool!!?!?!?!