Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sobering Thoughts

one more "depressing" blog today and then I'm done.

I just saw a little blip on the news (which I typically avoid, because it depresses me) about the death tolls from the earthquake in they're estimating it could get as high as 50,000. And then there's the estimated number of people dead from the Cyclone in Myanmar - about 20,000. That's 70,000.
70,000 PEOPLE.

It's so hard to fathom numbers like that. Especially when it's about human beings. And it's so easy to forget about "those poor people" over there because it's so far removed from us. I guess I was just reflecting on the sheer amount of LIFE that has been lost in the last 2 weeks, just from these two catastrophic events. 70,000 people....who had families, and jobs, and kids, and parents. Who laughed over dinner with friends, who played games with their kids, or who were kids themselves...who chuckled with their neighbors and had dreams for their future. Gone.

It's unfathomable, isn't it?
And it makes me sad right this minute.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it is so sad and tragic! I have a friend who is a missionary in china. we've been worried because we hadn't heard anything. today we found out he and his family are ok, but are stuck in the mountains somewhere and have no way to get down. please be in prayer for them. his name is john. his wife and 2 year old son are there as well.