Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Yes, Again.

FYI...if you've tried to call me in the last week and a half and haven't been able to get me, it's because I've lost my cell phone.
Yes, again.
And this time I think it's forever, since I've cleaned the house (twice) in the last 12 days and it still hasn't shown up.
I should have a new phone by this weekend, and then I'll be putting out a request for all your phone numbers.

More blogs later....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My sister lost her phone at my house....blamed my adorable precious kids. (the nerve!) Turns out she left it in a jacket she borrowed in the fall. I found it the next spring when I grabbed the jacket from the basement. Bummer. Sorry about your phone...almost like losing your purse. good excuse to get a new one though. ;)