Sunday, June 22, 2008

Steve - 1, Tammi - 0

Have you ever had a showdown with your spouse.....without them ever knowing about it??

I've been having one with Steve for the past 3 weeks.
Over cleaning our bathroom.

I clean the bathrooms. Save for the occassional, "someone's coming over, go clean the bathroom really quick" - bathroom responsibilites are "my job". Not to say that Steve doesn't do gross jobs around here too....he cleans out the fridge every couple of days, regularly does the dishes, and takes care of the cat litter ("his job"). But a few weeks ago, I got to thinking: Dang it, why am I always the one to clean the nasty bathrooms?? Coming from a household with 4 boys in can imagine the state of our bathrooms. I figured that since my trips to the bathroom are"neat and tidy" (i.e. do NOT entail pee sprayed on any portion of the walls, or any portion of the outside, rim, seat or bottom of the toilet) that's it's a little unjust that I should be the one diligently scrubbing pee from the toilets on a regular basis.

Thus, the showdown.

I said to myself, "self, let's see how long the bathroom goes before Steve-0 is so repulsed by it that he cleans it himself". I WILL admit, that in the process, I've realized how much I myself contribute to the bathroom mess....there's quite a few long hairs on the bathroom counter, and various beauty products on the countertop, clothes on the floor, etc. But when it comes to actual FILTH...well. WELL.
It's really, really GROSS.
What is it about men that they are content to live in filth?? It's been 3 weeks. There are whiskers (from his razor) on the counter, hair on the sink (me), toothpaste crusted on the sink, dirt on the floor, pee on the underside of the sink (steve and boys), streaks on the inside of the toilet (just from not being cleaned), the contents of under the sink strewn on the floor -tampons, extra toilet paper, cotton balls, (Tyler keeping busy) etc. etc. I considered taking a photo but the thought of looking at it up close and personal made me throw up in my mouth a little. the showdown (that he didn't know about), he won.

I'm cleaning the bathroom today.

Tell me I'm not the only passive-aggressive spouse who does things like this.


Anonymous said...

wait... pee on the sink (STEVE)???? I'm confused... did you mean toilet... and can he not aim?

ok... lalalala... gross... I don't want to think about it anymore.....lalalalala!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Have no fear! I have showdowns with Daniel (without him knowing about it) all the time! But luckily when it deals with cleaning Daniel is a major neat freak, so I win the majority of the time. :) hee hee

Anonymous said...

I have the SAME problem.

But I just get all fussy and make him clean it. I tell him straight up it ain't my pee on the outside of the toilet and if he wants me to feel sexy, he'd better take care of it.

And therefore, it is cleaned about once a week at the very least : )