Wednesday, June 14, 2006


I haven't had much time to post the past week or so because, blissfully, we've been on a sort of summer vacation. Our trip began in Atlanta, from which we flew to Ohio, then drove to Michigan. That's where we are now, and we'll be heading out from here on Monday for a pitstop in Indiana, then on to Nashville for a conference that Steve has. Then back to Atlanta to pick up our car, then finally home to Albany towards the end of the month. We decided we wanted to get all our summer traveling done in June so that we can relax the rest of the summer, so we've been on the road for almost 2 weeks now, and it's been fun.
Last week in Ohio, the boys had a great time with grandpa and we all went to an Indians game one sunny afternoon. Here's a few snaps of the guys at the game. A.J. loved it and was very excited to be at the game - he kept saying, "c-mon! c-mon! we go to baseball game!" We were also subjected to multiple renditions of "take me out to the ballgame" on the car ride there - Owen would start it up, and AJ would tweak the ending slightly: "....cuz it's one...two...three....four....five.....six....seben...eight trikes you're out! at the 'ole game game" to which Owen would loudly shout, "NO A.J!". Oy vey.

So, the boys were sad to leave "granpa's howse" and asked about him several times on the car ride to michigan, but were quickly appeased upon the arrival to their cousins house. That usually is said in all one word: *gasp* robbyjohnny house! yay!

Anyway, more to come as we go along....I'm keeping busy with some photo shoots while here and we're trying to jam in visits will all our friends while spending quality time with family as well...a difficult task when we only have 5 days here, but we're doing our best.

See....I'm not doing so bad keeping up with this thing - maybe I DO finish some things that I start! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tammi, you certainly have a way with words!!:) glad to hear you guys had a great time at papa's scott wonders how you are getting along with the "grocery getter car with no air conditioning" or did papa get that fixed before turning the car over?:) anyway take care happy traveling
love you guys,
spees fam in illinois