Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Cream of Elwww

Observation: Cream of Mushroom Soup smells exactly like vomit.

I discovered this last week when I was trying out this recipe. The crockpot is my friend now that volleyball season has arrived and Steve is in school all day. I had an acquaintance recommend a chicken recipe to me that required a can of cream of CHICKEN soup, but I accidentally bought cream of MUSHROOM soup. I'm not a cream-of-anything kind of girl - i don't like creamy stuff - so I thought Cream of Mushroom, Cream of Chicken -it's all the same, right? So I cracked open the can, poured it in the crock pot and reeled back in horror at the odor. I thought I had a rotten can. Turns out, cream of mushroom soup just smells like barf. Seems like this would be a deterrant to folks who actually eat it, but what do I know? MMMmmmm...nothing like spooning out a tasty bite of puke on a cold winter day.

So, today I went out and bought the right cream soup. We're having it for dinner tonight. I'll let you know if it's any good.


Anonymous said...

OK let me see! Cream of Mushroom - key word here - MUSHROOM! --- You who does not like or eat 'fungui' ---
Enough said!

Anonymous said...

Rebuttal: I DO eat mushrooms on occassion. They are starting to grow on me (no pun intended). I'll eat them in hibachi, or raw on salad.
so...there! :)

Anonymous said...

i used crm of mushroom in a crockpot recipe tonight--my own "i only have 3 minutes what can i dump in" crockpot recipe. it turned out pretty well--the kids raved about it; wanted it in their lunchboxes tomorrow. anyway, i don't remember it smelling like vomit. i'll have to take time to sniff next time.

by the way, the recipe YOU were making...did it happen to be cheesy crockpot chicken from the BLA recipe book? THAT'S a good recipe.

have to yell at kids to get out of shower and get h/w done. i love my J-O-B! two orientations tonight, two last week; not to mention three sports meetings, school-wide picnic/orientation; volunteer orientation on Friday morning, chaperoning Friday afternoon w/Gerald(?), two piano practices, and volleyball every other day. That's why I HATE the beginning of the school year. Can you believe I have two or three planners, and two huge dry erase caledars on our wall--one for school, sports, music lessons; the other for dr/dentist appts, church activities.

enough ranting. I bought a wardrobe today; never bought a whole wardrobe before. found a great sale-- clothes cute and stylish, and they actually had my size. don't really have the money; if the sale of our house falls through, we're done...might as well go down in style, huh?

i REALLY have to go "raise my voice" and keep everyone on bedtime schedules. Uh oh, a fight!

talk later~

Anonymous said...

well, it tasted pretty good. here it is if anyone wants to try it:

Cream of Chix soup+1 can water
chicken breasts
A block of cream cheese

Cook all day.

It was really creamy, the "gravy" probably would've been good on mashed potatoes -if I liked mashed potatoes - but I don't, so I didn't make any. It's not bad. try it.

hey, I want a new wardrobe! lucky you! and absolutely you should be in style if all financial hell breaks loose. What's the point of poverty if you can't look good while you try to ignore your hunger pains?? :) lol
PLEASE PLEASE start a blog - you are so funny! :)

Hope you guys are doing good.