Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Sean & Jen-Don't read this

Unless you want to ruin the surprise. :)
So....for all of you who don't know what's up -- Sean and Jen decided to order a few canvases from me after I took some pretty sweet shots of the girls (if I do say so myself). Well....I got them back, checked them out and they look AWESOME. I was actually hoping that one of them would have been damaged a little in shipping so that my company would've replaced it and I could've kept one!!! :)
I'm so geeked about these...they are top notch. I had second thoughts about staying with the company that I decided to use for my canvas prints because they were so expensive....some people had said that it was TOO expensive...why buy a cadillac when you can get a kia, know what i mean? But I'm so glad I stuck with them. They look so great - and the attention to detail is stellar. They come ready to hang, with bumpers on the bottom, and hanging hardware already mounted, and the back is finished, not open. For all inquiries and to book your own session please contact Tammi for further details.
Thought I'd share them here for all to see. Sean and Jen will get them this weekend, so if you can...hold out for the real thing, guys!! These pictures don't do them justice!
Oh...and the orange is for scale. :)


Anonymous said...

Tammi~ these are so cool! i hope you realize that if i ever have children you will have to come by and do this for me! although there are no plans of children for some time... so i guess you just need to come this way with out a reason!

Anonymous said...

you got it girl! and who needs kids? I'll do one of you, hubby, and new puppy....that's canvas worth fo' sure. :)