Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Good Deed Tuesday! Share your deed or feel the guilt

How's this for a slogan?

Good Deed Tuesday
...because it's time to get off your butt and do some nice stuff.

:) LOL

I like animals. I always have. When I was younger, we had many 'o animal friends and prospective pets parading through our house (PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE can I keep him mom??). One of the most memorable was the small black lab mix mutt that I just happened to "find" while out shopping one day by myself. And by "find" I mean that some people in front of Walmart had a box of puppies that said FREE on the side.
I begged hardcore for that one, but my horrible mean mother said no (because I'm the middle child and she likes me the least). I think he found a home with someone in our church. I made a LOT of phone calls that day trying to find him a home.

Even though we have the Fabulous SuperDog Cooper, I still frequently peruse the pet ads in the paper and can't help myself when we walk by advertisements for animals up for adoption at the Humane Society....I MUST look at all their sad little faces. They seem to beg to me, "i need a home, I need a home, won't you adopt me before they kill me?" They make me so sad.
No, we're not getting another pet anytime soon, I just like to know what's out there, okay??

So, last time I checked, I'm a photographer and I thought it might be helpful for the humane society to be able to publish REALLY COOL, professional-grade pictures of pets available for adoption, rather than the standard point and shoot snapshot/mugshot that you normally see. A good picture of a dog really jumps out at you more than the red-eyed blurry photo of the mangy mutt that needs a home, doncha think??
So I called up the humane society, said I'd like to donate my mad photography skillz and the director was thrilled! I'm going sometime on Saturday or next week to take pictures of the current pets. I'll try to do it twice a month for them.

Keeping in tune with the Humane Society Good Deed, Cooper asked me if he could be the face of this blog entry and of course I said yes, but only if he stops licking my ears while I'm watching t.v.


Anonymous said...

Hooray... I love that... you're too cool!
oh... p.s. Cooper looks so mellow here... too bad he's NOT!!! ;)

Ok... so as I said in my previous comment... I was stressed over my good deed and then riding down the road to school this morning (in the pouring rain) I thought... I have 2 umbrellas in my car today... so I'll stick one in my bookbag and use my other one... then, when I see someone without one, I'll give them the spare...

So I hopped out of my car... opening umbrella #1 and started walking toward my first class... well no sooner had I gotten to the door than I saw these two girls talking about how they wanted to run to their cars without getting drenched and I stopped and said "hey" I have a spare umbrella that you 2 can share... they were all "what, no, I mean, ok, THANKS!!" So I gave them umbrella numero dos & headed into class... they shared it to the first car and then the girl took it to her car... I hope she uses it (and maybe gives it away in the future!)

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful thing to do Tammi, I am so proud of you!! But I must warn you...it is not so easy to walk away as you might think. I speak from experience being the Mom to 5 dogs. Personally I think Cooper the wonder dog could use a playmate. :)

Since I am still in recovery land I will tell you my limited good dead of the day. I made Uncle Gerry a big breakfast this morning. Now before you say, "You always do that" remember I have been bed bound for the last week and this was the first food fixings I attempted. Course for his good dead of the day....I let him do the dishes. :)

Anonymous said...

What a great idea Tammi! Sounds like it's right up your alley.

Remember the kittens you found and you bottle fed??? Ha.. those things stunk... bad. :)But they were so cute.

Anonymous said...

Think I've got all of the crossing guards that I pass! Yay!

Anonymous said...

You might be Riley's hero. She has the biggest heart for animals of anyone I know. Maybe you could take her with you to the Humane Society when you do a shoot. She'd love to help you out. For her birthday this year, she asked all of her friends NOT to bring her gifts. Instead, she asked for donations to go to the Humane Society - raised $185. I thought that was a pretty selfless act for a 10 year old.


Anonymous said...

mom told me to put my "good deed" on here.
the mall was taking prom dresses and giving them away for proms or something like that... but yea... we took one of mine :)


Anonymous said...

"Mom" would like to offer more of an explanation here, just in case anyone else would like to participate. New or "gently used" prom dress donations are being taken at the Albany Mall through the 15th of this month. The dresses will then be given to girls in foster care for their own proms. What in the world else are you supposed to do with a used prom dress? Heaven knows she won't wear it again- that's a fashion faux pas. Besides, I'm sure it will look (almost) as pretty on some other desrving young girl as it did on mine!
