Friday, March 28, 2008

Our Garden

New feet within my garden go,

New fingers stir the sod;

A troubadour upon the elm

Betrays the solitude.

New children play upon the green,

New weary sleep below;

And still the pensive spring returns,

And still the punctual snow!

--Emily Dickinson

Ingredients Needed To Make a Garden:

1 Rototiller
2 Virile Studly Men (to operate and transport said tiller)
2 large bags of time-release fertilizer/garden soil
Previously soiled children


Anonymous said...

Wow, cool garden. Now you really are becoming a hippie, growing your own weed and all. :)

Anonymous said...

huh.... did someone say free weed?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

i smell dirt. I love that smell.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had lots of fun - I'm sure the boys did because how could they not with all that dirt!

I'm still trying to come up with a good slogan of the pic with Stephen and Clint --- Funny!

Looking forward to eating some good stuff!

Anonymous said...

whoa...for a fleeting moment I thought that was my husband in the picture. but no, that guy is doing manual labor, in the yard no less...couldn't be my husband. must be some other virile stud of a man!!


Anonymous said...

We haven't officially started our garden yet. Still a little too cold for me.

I know, I'm a baby.

We do an organic garden--learned alot last year, our first year, about easy chemical-free ways to keep bugs at bay, etc. Need info? Email me, girl.

Also, go to Starbucks and get their free coffee grounds. They keep them and pack them for gardeners, etc.

I don't know what the etc. would be. So, maybe just for your garden and plants. Tomatoes love them, lots of niacin? I think?

Something like that. Yeah.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I should say we don't do an official USDA-approved organic garden. We just shy away from using chemicals.

Glad we got that straightened out. :0)

Anonymous said...

How cool!! I have wanted to start a garden... but I am obviously way to lazy.