Friday, May 30, 2008

Cross That One Off

Well, it approximately 16 hours I will be able to check an item off my bucket list.

Any guesses what'll it be? (no fair if you already know, so no cheating and spoiling the surprise! And no, it's not the one about the nudist colony either) :)

I'll try to blog about it tomorrow night if I'm not too tired.

Hope you're all having a great week.


Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure I know what it is, so I wont risk spoiling the surprise. I cant wait to see pictures!

Anonymous said...

You are pregnant with #4 and you will have photos of the ultra sound posted soon. Can I put in my request for a girl this time around?? :)

Auntie Dee :)

Anonymous said...

So what else is on your bucket list?