Thursday, May 8, 2008

Feeling Patriotic, Anyone?

Playing around with the Flip, my birthday present from Steve......

Here's the very first video, which Owen insisted I take of him, immediately upon removing it from the box:

This thing is great. If you have kids, a pet, are mildly amusing, or ample time on your hands, you MUST get one. Simple, easy to use, no software required for your computer - you just plug it in.
There will be more movies coming from here...oh yes, there will be more.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

now there's a little conservative in the

Now git him a harcut

Anonymous said...

you're going to need a new hard drive... a HUGE new hard drive :)

Anonymous said...

terabyte Tammi

Anonymous said...

what color did you get?

Anonymous said...

I want one too! But how would you save the videos? Onto a DVD?

Anonymous said...

mom - black.
melissa - You can save them online (like to youtube or googlevideo) or save them on your hard drive.

Anonymous said...

you niece wants more movies...