Monday, May 12, 2008



Check it out!!

It's still a little rough around the edges and needs a few finishing touches, but I'm finally back on the 'net! Go check it out (you might see some familiar faces) and lemme know what you think! :)


Anonymous said...

very cool... we like it... Johnny almost had a complex when he was not seeing himself on any pictures but you finally came through in the family area for him... he kept saying "where's me... where I am..." funny... nobody wants to be left off your ultra-cool site...

Anonymous said...

Tammi, you're amazing! The site's pretty cool too! ;)

Now I just have a year or two to talk you into shooting our wedding... :D

Anonymous said...

Go Tammi! Love the site.

Anonymous said...

I freaking love it. Great music choice!!!

Anonymous said...

It really looks great! Definitly shows off your talent and creativity. Clients will be clamoring to book your services.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Lookin good! Me=jealous. Way to go!