Monday, May 26, 2008

The H2O Challenge

Starting tomorrow, Tuesday the 27th (about 2.5 hours) Steve-o and I are challenging each other to a 4-week long H2O Challenge.

For the next 4 weeks, we'll drink nothing but water.
No soda.
No coffee.
No beer.
No lemonade.
No tea.
No milk.
No nuthin' ....but good 'ole water.

Why? We surely don't drink enough of it, quite simply. And between all the crap in the other stuff we drink, we're just filling our bodies with unnecessary sugars and calories.

Some facts about drinking water:
75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated

Frequently, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger

Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism as much as 3%

Lack of water is the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue

Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers

Want to try it with us?


Anonymous said...

OK - since I already drink between 8 and 10 glasses of water a day - do I still have to give up my coffee??????

Anonymous said...

I would say yes, but I have an unfair advantage. I already drink only water. weird, I know!

Anonymous said...

We were allowed to drink only water during soccer season one year and it was terribly hard for me. I realized how much I am addicted to tea and coca-cola. However, I did realize that I felt so much better. I had tons more energy.

So good luck to you and Steve. I can promise you you'll feel a difference.

Anonymous said...

Does flavored water count? I am basically down to drinking nothing but Propel and regular water. I have completely cut out sodas and I have almost cut out tea. But I really don't drink as much as I should during the day. That would definitely explain the constant hunger. hmmmm.

Good luck to you both!

Anonymous said...

You lost me at no coffee, sorry. The sad part is that a couple of years ago I drank mostly water and I know how much better I felt. Then I discovered... FREAKING DIET PEPSI! It's of the Devil, I tell ya!!! I just can't seem to get back in that groove.

Anonymous said...

should drink .66 ounces of H2O per pound of bodyweight........for optimal health. Don't ask how I know that, but I THINK I could find the source article...

Anonymous said...

Dan... optimal body weight or what one (unfortunately) weighs????

Anonymous said...

unfortunately to optimal ::)

Anonymous said...

would love to do this, but I don't know if I could survive with a baby and no caffeine...however I will be stepping up my water intake! (also because caffeine is de-hydrating, too!)