Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Happy Birthday.....

to me!
I'm 29 years old today and I must admit that I'm starting to feel a little old. Not physically or anything, because I still FEEL like I'm 18, but when I think of the actual NUMBER 29 I think...damn. What happened to 25-28??

So yeah.
Which might as well be 30.
Which is only 10 years away from 40.
Which is midlife.
And then you're 50 and you're on the back nine of life.
So...what I'm trying to say is I might as well be dead.

:) LOL

J/K! You're only as old as you feel right?? Well, most days since I feel like I have the maturity of an 8 year old I guess I'm good to go.

Although I think that having a yellowed picture of yourself definitely pegs you into the OLD category.

All I know is....

I'm going to go out and cut myself some bangs exactly like when I was five years old. And they'll go all the way to the middle of my head.
Because that. is. HOT.
And who doesn't like some strawberry shortcake pajamas??

Later friends.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

being in the mid 40's isn't so bad....really

Anonymous said...

Yay... happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

say the senior in high school... =] lol

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Just for the record 29 is young.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Happy Birthday!
And I dig the bangs. I had those things until I was 16, except they stuck up a bit on the left side. *shudder*

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!

In honor of your day I bought myself one of these.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah...

Thanks for all the technical advice.

Anonymous said...

yay clint! Now we can be camera-nerd friends and talk photography ALL DAY EVERY DAY.
Hey, wait a minute.
it's MY birthday....shouldn't you have bought something for ME??

:) LOL

thanks everyone.

A.L.-I'd like to see a photo of the bangs with the left side sticking up.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I'm right behind you. I'll be 29 in August, so I'm feelin ya!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sis!! Hope you have a great day.

Anonymous said...

29 is nothing. i have loved my 30' far, anyway. Happy Birthday, Tammi! i hope you have a great day!

Jamie - are you & Matt really about to turn 29? THAT makes me feel old...

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking whether I would want to go back to 29! Nah - I'm much smarter today! PS - Don't blink - you will be my age before you know it! AND that is no joke! Happy Birthday!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Amy!! Matt and I are about to be 29! CRAZY huh?! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Niecie :)
Your uncle Gerry's 58th birthday is less then a month you realize he is twice your age? Look at him....old, bald, what hair is left is gray, farts every 10 minutes, deaf in one ear and can't hear out of the other. Look what you have to look forward too. Of course I am MUCH younger then he. ;)