Monday, May 12, 2008

A Lovely Mom's Day for Me

Yesterday was a fantabulous mom's day for me - one of the most enjoyable I've had yet. Started off with hubby letting me sleep in until 10 am (a rare treat indeed!) and then he made me an omelet for breakfast.
Got the kids dressed and then we went bowling. Owen and I almost won, but were thwarted in the end by Team AJ-Daddy. Then we ran a few errands, did a little shopping and headed home....where the power had gone out and we had no lights and no air conditioning. So we picked up Casey and headed out again. Steak was on the menu for dinner, but cooking in a hot house didn't sound too fun so we took the kids to McDonald's and decided to save steak for today.
My new cell phone was my Mom's Day gift, but Steve also gave me the practical, tongue-in-cheek gift of a set of knives because I'm always lamenting the fact that we have NO sharp kitchen knives in our house. :) the boys had also painted me some pictures that morning while I was sleeping so they gave me those as well.
We wound up the day when AJ agreed to let me take his 4 yr old big boy pictures so I headed downtown with him & Casey to do his photo shoot, while Steve stayed home with the other two and got them in bed. AJ did great, and was perfectly amiable and very well behaved, as long as I agreed to take him to Target afterwards and buy him a toy for a reward. And hey, I'm not opposed to bribery when it comes to taking pictures.

Thanks to my hubby and my boys for a great mom's day! I love you guys!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the pic! Glad you had a great day.