Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Show Me your Wenis

Tammi: My wenis is bigger than yours

Casey: Is not!

Casey & Tammi (simultaneously): STEVE! Who has a bigger wenis??

Steve: I don't know.

Tammi: Come'on! You have to look and choose one

Steve: I. DON'T. KNOW.

Casey: I think mine is thicker, but Tammi's is longer.

Steve: It's a tie.

Casey: Show us yours. We showed you ours.

Steve: No. I like to keep my wenis to myself.


Anonymous said...

there is no such thing..........said my elbow

Anonymous said...

What cocktails were you serving at the b-day blast last night?


P.S. my wenis has scars... is that normal?

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA! *cradles stomach sore from laughing*

I guess size does