Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Boy's Got Rhythm

Ever since he was big enough to sit up, Tyler would start bouncing and head-bopping whenever he would hear music.
The other day I tried to get some video of him dancing but of course, as soon as I pulled out the camera he crawled away, completely uninterested.

Later, I had him in his highchair eating lunch while I did the dishes and was listening to the Forest Gump Soundtrack and he started to do a little bit of his signature jive. Not as lively as usual (I'll keep trying) but a little taste of the T-man's funky groove.
Check it out....


Anonymous said...

have one more and you can be the noeetles...............

too cool

Anonymous said...

Cute!!! I LOVE it when babies dance. It is one of the cutest things!

Anonymous said...

Hey... I tagged you in a game of Blog Tag...
check out my latest post & play along :)