Monday, June 2, 2008

What's Up with Us

H2O Week One Update:
Well, we've got the first week of the H2O challenge under our belts and honestly, it hasn't been all that hard. Not noticing any differences in the way that I feel, but there has to be some benefits to drinking water and cutting back on all the crap we normally drink.
My biggest struggle is in the mornings - I typically wipe drool from my mouth as I walk past the coffee maker and this afternoon as I was picking out cereal in Publix I was overcome with the glorious scent of fresh-ground coffee in the same aisle. I was overcome with the urge to sniff and lick the coffee dispensers but I resisted.
Steve is also most tempted in the mornings, as he is an orange juice whore. Yesterday morning I poured the boys some orange juice for their breakfast and left the container sitting out on the counter. Steve-o denounced me a "devil temptress" for leaving it sitting out in his sight where he pined for it for about half and hour.
But so cheats and no slips.

Now we're going to try and start eating better. Not some sort of freaky-deaky diet or something, but more of a "lifestyle change". Less red meats (no biggie for me, but Steve-o turns caveman when it comes to red meats), less sweets, more greens, smaller portions, etc. etc.

Thursday, we're going to Atlanta for the weekend. Steve-o is teaching some basketball clinic at Rabun Gap so we're all going, and having a mini-vacation. I'm hoping we'll hit the aquarium, and I told Owen that we would go downtown to "the city" and ride the "train"(tram system) that he saw when we were there last week for his doctor appointment. I'd also like to go to Ikea and then stop by a couple of antique stores that we drove by when we were there last month to see TheLion King (but had no time to stop). I'm not really an antiques kind of girl, but when we drove by last month I looked longingly at all these funky cool chairs that would make for great photo props that were just sitting out on sidewalks waiting for me to buy them. Alas! No time to stop and no room to bring home, but maybe if I'm lucky, there'll be one left somewhere over there that would suit my needs! There's a chance, right?
We took Owen to see a child behavior specialist in Atlanta last week where he was (finally) diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder - or to put it simply, mild autism. It's not as scary as it sounds, and to be quite honest, we're glad to have a "label" for him so that we can know how to help him succeed in school, relationships, and life in general. This is an answer that we have been searching for for quite some time and we're glad to finally know something, anything, so that we can move forward. More on that later.
Cooper just came downstairs and was sitting at my feet when it occurred to me that he had been in the litter box eating cat poop. What is up with that??! Blegh.

That's it for us.
What's up with you??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have fun in ATL! :)