Monday, June 16, 2008

Yes, I Am

...posting mundane videos of my children. However, considering that ALL of our family live at least 3 hours away from Albany, this is for them. So if you don't care to watch, that's cool....just know that I'm not gushing because oh my gosh AJ reading this book is the cutest thing ever but more so because our family will want to see him. So there.

Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus is a Nowack family favorite and has been read many, MANY times. Recently, we purchased The Pigeon Finds a Hotdog just so we don't have to read about that blasted pigeon trying to hijack that stupid bus anymore. Because the hotdog gig is SO much better. If you have kids and don't have this book, you MUST go buy it immediately. It really is quite amusing. Authored by Mo Willems, one of my personal favs...oh, and he also wrote Knuffle Bunny which is quite possibly even better than DLTPDTB (Don't let the...) mainly because the illustrations are genius...pure genius and as a photographer I find them inspiring. I am not kidding.

Here is AJ, reading Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus:

And then it was Owen's turn, who wanted to read More Spaghetti I Say! which is actually one of my old books...published in 1977, it's cute too, although owen hasn't read the book in about 2 weeks and was a little fuzzy on the particulars.

And then MY turn (so said Prince Owen and Prince AJ). They chose for me: If You're Happy & You Know It. Nevermind the horrid excuse for singing...sounds like someone stepped on a cat. Anyway.....

And in case you're wondering....I'm not sure why Owen doesn't have any pants on.


:) Later.


Anonymous said...

"Happy..." was by far my favorite..
I love the sneezing interruption...
and the "kiss-kiss" section...
and A.J. nodding his head... how cute...

p.s. you sing really well & should do it more... so stop the self-loathing! :)

Anonymous said...

PUH-LEASE! If that is your "someone stepped on a cat voice" you need to hear mine. I make Daniel sing most of the "night-night" songs to Zachariah cause I am afraid of my own voice.

By the way- I kindof laughed out loud when you said that the "kiss-kiss" part was dumb. For some reason that cracked me up.