Friday, August 22, 2008

Must. Wear. Jeans.

Sorry for the lack of blog posts lately.....I think I just don't have much to say (imagine that!).

Today there is a 100% chance of rain because of (hurricane? tropical storm?) Fay blowing into Florida so it's a gray and cloudy morning with ominous clouds rolling in from the southeast.

I like rain.
I really do....and living in Georgia, I've grown to look forward to WINTER (never thought I'd say that). I've noticed the past few years that we've lived down here, I'll start wearing jeans and other pants in August and September, even though it's still 90 degrees, just because I'm so sick of wearing shorts and tshirts all time (never thought I'd say that either). Fall/winter wardrobe is limited and rather small, when you live in the south (unless you're Casey and your wardrobe is big enough to clothe all of Ghana), but there's just something about the end of August, the onset of September that my Michigan roots bring to the surface.
Hot enough to go swimming or not, it is SEPTEMBER for the love of Pete and I must wear jeans.

That's all I've got.

More interesting topics to come.....soon, I hope.


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