Saturday, March 15, 2008

AJ's First Soccer Game

AJ had his first soccer game this morning, so we can officially join the ranks of "those people" who do the whole "Saturday a.m. soccer-parent-fanatics". I guess I'm literally now, a soccer mom.
Anyway, AJ did GREAT and Steve and I had a great time at his game and we laughed A LOT. Watching a group of 6-12 4 and 5 year olds chase after a soccer ball is funny stuff. Seriously.

AJ even got to kick off the game. Here's his coach telling him what he's supposed to do.

And yes, their jerseys are SALMON. Not pink. Not peach. SALMON. And they are, without a doubt, the ugliest jerseys EVER. Really, they'll make your eyes bleed. At least we won't lose him in a crowd.

Anyway, he got right into it....

Then he morphed into a chimp. I'm not sure what's up with the monkey face, but maybe he's just REALLY concentrating.

Owen cheered for AJ for a few minutes, reminding him that there's "no crying in soccer and you have to score a goal, okay AJ?" and then he wandered off to play in the dirt for awhile. And by "awhile" I mean the rest of the game. Hey, dirt is a RIVETING substance, man.

Kick'n some girls butts in a race to the ball....

He would occasionally get caught up in admiring his own shoes and cleats while he ran. It IS a rather handsome get-up, don't you think?
Notice in the background, the team whiner (see previous soccer post)

Fighting it out with his own teamate for the ball. This is the kid who we originally labeled the "the super athlete" in the first soccer post, but we have since renamed him "the mean kid". More on that later...

Notice his stature. He's just slightly er....smaller than the other kids. By an average of 2-6 inches. But he hangs with 'em just fine.

He even scored a goal.

Hey, when you're freaking awesome and you know it, you just have to celebrate it.

Love that kid.


Anonymous said...

what a rock star....welcome to the sport parent coach world Nowak's....

Anonymous said...

Yay! GO AJ!!!

Anonymous said...

He looks like he enjoys it. Maybe whiner girl's parents should let her quit.