Thursday, March 27, 2008

Go Ahead...Smack My Hand

I know, I know...I'm sorry. I've been MIA for about oh...a week now. But we've had family in town so things have been busy and I haven't had a chance to sit down and reconnect to bloggerland.

New posts coming soon.....Easter Sunday, gramma and grandpa, random thoughts (oh I KNOW how you love those!), Good Deed's all coming. I just have to play a little catch up.

So, in the meantime, you can watch this little video clip. I'm a sap about animals so I'm not TOO ashamed to say that the first time I saw it I teared up. JUST A LITTLE. And it was probably just because I had something in my eye. Yeah. That's it.

Here's the background. These 2 guys bought this orphaned lion cub that they found for sale in London, and named him Christian. After a time, they decided that they wanted to reintroduce him back to the wild so he could be like all the regular lions. Come ON dad! All the other carnivores get to live outside!

Anyway, so they scrape all their money together and arrange for him to go to Africa to a wild animal compound owned by this guy George Adamson.
Upon Christian the Lion's arrival in Africa, Adamson arranged a friendship between Christian and a previously captive-then-freed lion named Boy. Boy and Christian become good friends and Boy serves as the bridge that Christian needs to connect with the wild and find a new pride or pack or lion family.

Well, a year or so later the two guys decide to go to Africa and pay Christian a visit. They weren't sure if Christian would remember them, or if they could find him, and if they did what his reaction would be. Here's what happened when they did reconnect......


Anonymous said...

OMG... that is SOOO cool!!!
I would have been so scared!

But it makes me so happy!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I want to see it and they said the video could not be viewed any more - bummer!

Anonymous said...

awwwwww.....that was freakin' awesome! i am filled with warm fuzzies.