Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Good Deed Tuesday 3/18/08

Don't forget it's....

Good Deed Tuesday
...because not doing nice things for others leads to body odor.

Erica and I are teaming up for a good deed today. We're meeting in a few hours to execute. More on that later...
In the meantime, check out my photoblog for pics of Amy Lynn and Daniel's baby that I photographed yesterday.

___________ UPDATE _________

My friend Lisa is doing the whole single mom thing while her hubby Dan is away in NYC working this high profile, fancy-shmancy job. We love us some O'C fam, and Dan has been away for, let's see....about 3 and a half months now so Lisa's been holding down the fort on her own - kids, bills, driving, laundry, housework, lawnwork (or not), well...she's goin' solo for now.

So Erica and I thought that we could do some good deed'n at their house today so after E went over to let their dogs out (her daily gig) we stuck around for a couple of hours and cleaned their house and piled up their scattered yard full of broken tree limbs.
Erica set to work painting this beautiful vase, and then we filled it with flowers.

And by "Erica set to work painting this vase" what I really mean is, I found it in their cupboard.

Let me tell you people, this house was hosed. Dog hair on the floor, dishes in the sink and in the family room, laundry piled in the laundry room, underwear on the floors. It was appalling, it was cluttered, it was unbelievably messy....but enough about my house. Let's get back to Lisa's house, shall we??

So we cleaned up while Tyler slept in the bedroom and the boys watched a movie and played outside with ginormous venomous beetles (thanks E, THAT was a heck of a lotta fun - *shiver*).
AJ and Owen enjoyed the secret - "We're gonna clean up their house because it's SOoooooo messy! They don't get a sticker if they don't pick up their rooms!" AJ volunteered to wash the windows, but then he disappeared to watch tv. The bum.

Anyway, that was our good deed for today. Now...post yours. Or did you even DO ONE?? --->insert guilt-inducing expectant stare here <------


Anonymous said...

Wow. It amazes me that you were able to get good pictures, even though he was being a butt. :)

Thanks a lot for doing that!!! They look great!

Anonymous said...

BINGO!, Lucky shopper number 1OO! Lisa OConnor come on down! I'm the recipiant of a GOOD DEED Tuesday!
I came home this evening with the girls and noticed sunny yellow flowers on my kitchen table. WOW! What a neat surprise! Little did I know that my whole house had been touched by the Good Deed Tuesday Housecleaning Faries. I'm touched, overwhelmed, humbled and slightly embarrassed. Thanks! E&T

Anonymous said...

PS...my personal Good Deed Tuesday deed was a basket of cheer for a co worker who is going to have many serious medical tests next at a Mayo Clinic in Florida. We will pray for a diagnosis and plan of treatment.
And my eldest daughter wanted to post that she shared her new delicious pack of gum with her entire class. :)

Anonymous said...

thank you!!!!