Sunday, March 30, 2008

Help Me With My Logo

So I've been redoing my website and I'm hoping to wrap it up here in the next 2 weeks. I want to revamp my logo so I've been playing around with some ideas and I'd like your input as I'm not really sold on anything so far. So....if you would (and you must. because I said so. And I'm the boss of this blog or I'll take my logos and go home), peruse these logos and then vote on the one you like best.
THEN....if you feel like going the extra mile, leave a little input in the comments section. I like this one, but _______ or, I WOULD like this one, except that _______(the colors are weird, the font looks out of place, I hate trees, etc. etc.), or, This one looks good, but it needs more _______.
One vote per person please. :)


Here are the Options:

#1 (the Oval):

#2 (the Cherry Tree):

#3 (the Swirly Thing):

#4 (the dandelion):

#5 (the damask):

#6 (the blocks):


Anonymous said...

Yeah....I was the first to comment

Anonymous said...

Personally I like the look of the free flowing design without the blocked in rectangle framing in your name. I also think it shows up the best. Easier to read over the Oval, the Demask and the Blocks. My second choice would be the Dandelion. Maybe I just like plants. ;)

Anonymous said...

ok... since I kind of sort of helped with the Cherry Tree... I'm partial to it.
However, I think it is the most unique, artistic, and representative of you personality...
I would change the color scheme, however to a blue or green palette.

I also like, "the swirly thing" and I am ALWAYS a fan of damask.
So those would be my other 2 votes... if you're doing a process of elimination.

Anonymous said...

Casey wrote the above comment.

Anonymous said...

I vote for the Cherry Tree (for real). 2nd choice would be the damask, but with your name in a different color so that it's easier to see.

Anonymous said...

I would have voted for the Cherry Tree myself but, I don't like the fonts. :P So I voted for the Dandelion. And I don't really like the fonts for it either (picky, I know).
So, my opinion of perfection?

The Cherry Tree design with the fonts from The Oval.

Hope that helps...

Anonymous said...

First things first...

POLL DADDY? Sounds like a hunk strippper working at a "ladies club" (I know it's spelled different)

I voted Dandelion but I'd like to also see a different font. Either the oval font or try the blocks font.

Glad I could help a girl out.

I did, didn't I? Didn't I!?!

Anonymous said...

I like the oval but I think your name should be a little darker.

Anonymous said...

OK - Don;'t like the blocks: No swirly! The damask is too old looking for a young, cool chick like you: Like the dandelion, but would like your name to 'pop' instead of the dandelion: I'm not sold on the cherry tree *woo hoo* sorry, but the song stuck in my head - how could you change the color, cherries are red - unless your name would be a different color. So I guess I'll go Oval with your name BOLDER!!!!! Whichever, I think your name should be the first thing people would see, and background next! OK done!