Monday, March 3, 2008

It Should Be Illegal..... be so cool when you're only 3 years old.

AJ had his first soccer practice tonight. He was excited and did so great (no surprise there). He does really well listening to instructions and doing exactly what he's supposed to do (as long as it's not steve and i doing the instructing).

I didn't realize it at the time I signed him up, but he's technically too young to play, by about 3 weeks. But I had already paid, and the YMCA didn't notice the error, so he got in. He's playing with 4 and 5 year olds that are all about 3-5 inches taller than him, but he holds his own just fine.
Steve commented on the way home that it's a typical soccer team - you've got
1. the super athlete (a 5 year old boy who played last year)
2. the coach's kid (he's about AJ's size and of average skill)
3. the flower-picking girl (5 year old whose mom made her play)
4. the whiner (4 year old who cries when someone kicks the ball away from her).
5. the kid who didn't even show up to the first practice.
6. the small kid who's fast and agile, also the cutest (AJ)

And the parents:
1. The overbearing mom ("Come on Avery! Be aggressive! Kick it harder!"")
2. The control freak mom (who announced that she would LOVE to be assistant and proceeded to go out on the field and "help" the coach...ironically her daughter is also the whiner)
3. There's what seem to be the "normal" parents - the super kid's mom and dad, who seemed rather quiet and unassuming and just, well...normal.
4. The parents who don't bother to bring their kid to the first practice
5. Us. Not sure where we fit in yet. :)

At one point, I hollered out, "good job AJ!" and Steve says to me, "uh oh...we've got the loud vocal mom over here" to which I just rolled my eyes and told him to shut up. And then I said,
"When I start yelling, "DRIVE! DRIVE!" and encouraging him to slide tackle the other 4 year olds, THEN you'll have something to be concerned about".
A comment that SCA affiliates will appreciate.

Until tomorrow.....(which is Good Deed Tuesday, by the by)


Anonymous said...

Go AJ!!! No doubt he'll be the best player out there.

Anonymous said...

You're the awkward granola parents who will bring hummus, guac, and tomatoes as snacks for all the kids who won't like it... except for your two... cause they're AWESOME... or something like that??!

Anonymous said...

I wonder what type of mom I am when my kids play sports?
With Jordan I think I am the competitive, possibly overbearing, loud, parent.
With Camryn, who knows if I'll ever get her to play a sport.
And with Payton-I'll probably just sit back and be calm, because she will cause enough commotion on her own!
I am so glad AJ is playing soccer he is so adorable!
Owen will find his thing-he can model if nothing else with those gorgeous eyes!