Monday, March 31, 2008

UM....Excuse Me.

But has anyone seen my cell phone?? It's been MIA for about.....oh, a week now.

Please let me know if you find it.

And then, if you haven't done so already, go vote on my logo in the post below.


Anonymous said...

Hey Tammi, we had a report on our local news program just the other night about lost cell phones. An 11 year old girl lost her phone and was afraid to tell her mom. When mom got the bill for $1200.00 she went crazy. Seems someone found the cell, used it to call countries in Europe and mom got the bill. The phone company would not forgive the bill because if they had known the phone was lost they would have cancelled the account and no one could have used the phone. So...CANCEL your account and when you find the phone then have the account reinstated!

Auntie Dee :)

Anonymous said...

No worries!
Found it! :)