Thursday, May 1, 2008

Top 'O the Mornin' to Ya!

I realized it's been awhile since I've posted any pictures of Tyler, so here's one from this morning. He squawks and whines and yells until you come to get him after he's woke up. You open the door, expecting him to be mad and crying because you actually took more than 12 seconds to come get him after he woke up - the nerve - but as soon as you open the door he's all smiles.

And in other Ty-News....he's spoke his first two words in the last week. Mama? Dada? Nope.

It was "uh-oh" followed by a close second of "Wow"

Fun game to throw things down on the floor and say "uh-oh" repeatedly. And it's adorable too. At least the first 55 times. And then it gets old. REAL old.


Happy Wednesday!


Anonymous said...

Umm. Today is Thursday. Guess you are tired!
Loralei got up just once last night, but it was with a diarrhea diaper. Ewww!
Pump Tyler up with Tylenol before you put him to bed. :-)

Anonymous said...

That's cute and funny. And Tyler's goreous as always.

Anonymous said...

Good gosh!!! He has already said his first words?? How old is that kid? I keep thinking he is still 8 months old. ha. I guess I need to clue back into reality here.

Anonymous said...

Melissa - um, yeah. That's what I meant. When I said Happy Wednesday, what I actually MEANT was Happy Thursday. duh.
:) *note to self: get more sleep*

TWL - thanks. Think you'd be up for babysitting him again? He seems to cry less these days. LOL

A.L. - he's 9 months. :) Zac will be saying stuff too, before ya know it.

Anonymous said...

NINE months! OMGoodness (trying not to owe to the cuss jar).

If he suddenly gets quiet one day, be on the lookout for poop smearing. :)