Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Entertain Me

I'm bored.

I have things that I COULD be doing.
That I SHOULD be doing.

But inevitably, I'll either
a) start them and be interrupted by Tyler waking from his nap and needing my full attention or
b) succumb to my lack of motivation and not even start one of my many projects

Why aren't you people blogging more? I'm bored.
Blog already.
I need something to read.


Anonymous said...

well........we did find a quality SteveO spider this morning...I want to keep it fo rhim, but ALLISON says its a no go....to big

Anonymous said...

Life is boring... what can I say?
Listen.... get your work done!!!

I will give you a special treat if you have your website up before next week!!! :)

Anonymous said...

yeah, I understand your feeling. I get on the computer a couple times a day to see if anyone can entertain me with their updates... but I guess people are in a lull. Heck... I am apparently in a lull. ugh. I hat lulls.