Sunday, April 20, 2008

Little Fire

To my middle. To the one I hoped for, prayed for, yearned for, fretted over for 9 months until I finally saw your face. To the one who I pushed from my body for over 2.5 hours. To the only one with startling blue eyes and shocks of blond hair. To the crazy one - the one who makes us laugh - who has the biggest heart - the gentlest soul. To the one who drives us bonkers with his whining, exasperates us with his mischief, melts us with his softness. The one with the vivid imagination - the one who frequently turns to "da kitty" and asks us to pet and play with the kitty, or "throw the bawl for da kitty, mama". To the one who has ended up sleeping beside me since the day he was born - to the one who still wants a binky - to the one who craves our touch and always asks, "will you ruuuub me?". To the athlete and the acrobat - the the lover of swords and trucks and guns and dirt. To the one with the twinkle in his eye and the strong desire to please - To the one who adds such fun and vibrancy to our family....
To A.J.....

Happy 4th Birthday Skittle
We Love You to the moon and back.


Anonymous said...

I Can't wait to see him tomorrow...
I hate I'm missing the bash today :(
How did the cake turn out?

Call me... We'll be back mid-afternoon tomorrow

Anonymous said...

Also, how weird is it that AJ's B-day post precedes the Zodiac body art post... weird...

Anonymous said...

Happy B-day big man... Robby and Uncle Rob will call later today... Hope you have a super day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday A.J.!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday A.J.!!
What a stud of a kid!

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize he and Chuck were so close in age...I would pay good money to see them play together.

Anonymous said...

Happy 4th, AJ!! Loved seeing the baby pics!


Anonymous said...

Love the pic of AJ hanging off your headboard.

Happy Belated, Birthday AJ. (we have a pair of your socks, btw)