Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Busy Busy Bee

Tyler has had a busy couple of weeks, and I haven't got a chance to blog (i.e. brag) about it yet.

In the last month, he has :
1.) Got his first tooth (tried to take a picture but it's a bottom tooth so I never could get it)
2.) Started clapping his hands
3.) Been pulling himself to stand and using furniture to move around
4.) Used his first 2 Baby Signs ("more" and "all done")

Big stuff! :)


Anonymous said...

Sorry about that - I stuttered!!!!

Anonymous said...

Precious! And Grandpa would add the noise he tries to make when opening and closing his mouth! That last picture looks so much like AJ!!!!

Anonymous said...

Precious! And Grandpa would add the noise he tries to make when opening and closing his mouth! That last picture looks so much like AJ!!!!

Anonymous said...

he is so cute!!

Anonymous said...

Freaking Adorable is right!!!

I love baby signs... I want you to teach me!

Anonymous said...

Yay for Tyler!!!

I have been wanting to do Baby Signs with Zac. I will have to drill you about this tomorrow. :)

Anonymous said...

What a cool kid, signing before he's 1 yr old.

Anonymous said...

So cute!

We do lots of baby signs. What are the ones you've found most helpful? (we do more, all done, please, and thank you. he's also learned some random ones like dog, bird, tree, and blues clues.:) )

Anonymous said...

Jamie-I mostly do the ones to convey his needs (milk, eat, more, all done, drink, please, thank you, etc). We've done it successfully with each of our kids and it makes mealtimes and life in general so much easier.
Do you find that you guys use the random ones like trees and animals? My kids never really picked up on those as much.
AJ signed "more" when he was asking for food even after he could talk - well after his 2nd birthday! :)

Anonymous said...

I need to teach Bryan milk or drink. Probably eat too. :) The random one we use most is bird. He was kind of obsessed with watching them so we taught him the sign. It's kinda fun watching him pick up the signs so fast. B is starting to say please, more, and all done, but he'll still do the signs. I love it and highly recommend trying them, Amy Lynn. :)