Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Here's a handful of pictures from AJ's birthday on Sunday.....for all you family and friends out there who are far away....

His scooter from grandma and grandpa N

Playing with his soccer net from Uncle Sean and Aunt Jen (and Sloan and Sammi)

His nerf gun from Owen (a favorite) and his rain boots from Grandma and Grandpa T

Playing outside in the pool with Owen

Blowing out his candles on his cars cake


Anonymous said...

Did you make that cake??

Anonymous said...

chucky got rain boots and a scooter too! Just a word about the scooters (we have three) ...the handles tend to come off/wear off/rip off. If that happens, be sure to wrap them back up with some tape. The neighbor kid sliced his nostril open on his, and my kids have fallen on them on their chests, where the handle just hits about in the sternum...leave nasty bruises...

But they are super fun...i love riding them : )