Friday, April 25, 2008

A Smidgeon of Pride & Happiness

Ok, this shoot was SO fun. I like it when I get to execute the ideas in MY head. Ahhh...creative freedom. :)
Check out my photoblog to see the fun photoshoot I did on Wednesday with some Sherwood kids, a Darton kid, and Casey (as my assistant) at Still Pond Winery and Vineyard! Fun, fun! :)


Anonymous said...

The brunette kind of looks like you in high school.
Are those real couples?

Anonymous said...

Great pics.

Anonymous said...

My gosh those are good. Cassie makes me sick. No one is supposed to look that good in high school.

Anonymous said...

Melissa - yes, they're real couples. Aren't they cute? They were naturals...

A.L. - I know. I *LOVED* her jeans and black tube outfit. She's so dang long and lean, the little terd. :) LOL

Anonymous said...

I kind of love being your assistant...
it means that for a couple of hours... it's not ALL about me...well... sort of
hahahahaha ;)