Thursday, April 3, 2008


We've had a few...don't want to forget them.....

AJ sometimes pretends he's living in a video game. He'll quiz you with a question or riddle in his "video game voice" and you have to respond appropriately. If you're right, he'll make a "ding" noise and say something like,
"Thaaattt's right! You picked the _____. Good job!" or, "Nope. That's not right - try again". Weird, yes. Endearing? Absolutely. He's so weird it's cute sometimes.

SOoooo, last week at home, I'm trying to hustle them out the door to get somewhere.

Me, picking up the baby, gathering the diaper bag, etc: Get your shoes, AJ - we need to go.

AJ: But mama! Wait!

Me: YES?!

AJ (in his video game voice): HHhhhmmmm (this is the "tone" sound, followed by the singsong voice) Who's the worst driver?

Me: Quizzically, as this is new territory in Video Game Imagination Land, "Ummm...Daddy?"

AJ: Thaaattt's RIGHT! Daddy's the worst driver! Good Job Mama!

At which point he promptly put on his shoes and walked out the door. And Yes, I told Steve said story IMMEDIATELY upon his return home from work. ;) LOL

----------Just Yesterday-------------

The boys had just eaten their breakfast and were playing in the living room.

AJ: Hey! Where's Daddy??

Me: At work.


Me: He'll be home later.

AJ: Okay. He can do just ONE MORE WORK and then he has to stay home with us, okay?

Me: I wish!

--------OWEN, JUST A FEW MINUTES AGO----------

Owen is in the bathroom, pooping I gathered, as evidenced by the loud grunting coming from the general direction of the lavatory. I start sweeping the floors (again) for Tyler's sake when I hear

Owen: MAMA!!!

Me: Just a sec! Be quiet! Tyler is sleeping!!

Owen: MAAAAAAMMMMMAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! In here! In the bathroom!!

Me,walking in there: Yes?!?

Owen is staring up at me, grinning broadly. It takes me a second to realize, Oh! He's not completely naked! Which may sound weird until you know that whenever Owen has to go to the bathroom, EVER...he absolutely MUST strip completely naked. Despite bribes or threats, poop will not exit his body unless all his clothes are on the floor - socks and shoes too.
Proudly, he waits for me to notice.

Me: HEY! Way to go! You're pooping with your clothes on! (there's a sentence I thought I'd never mutter) You get a sticker!

And he got one too. And it was so worth it.


Anonymous said...

Hooray for pooping with your clothes on!

Anonymous said...

Way back when I was in high school, there was a guy (no, not me) who had a habit of drinking WAAAAAY too much - he was in rehab and attending AA meetings before he graduated - and doing the same thing with his clothes on...we never gave him stickers, though.

Anonymous said...

Happiness is a potty sticker.