Monday, August 25, 2008

Boys Will Be.....

frighteningly creative on a rainy day.

On Saturday, I organized the boy's room/toys/closet and they wanted to rearrange their furniture. Since an entire wall of their room is covered in doors (closet, bathroom, toy closet, bedroom door) that only leaves 3 walls to put their big 'ole bunkbed. There was really only one "new" place to move the bed, so I swung it over there, with some trepidation. Jumping too close to the head of the top bunk could result in some head-thwapping from the ceiling fan, in addition to a within-tearing-from-the-wall reach of the curtain rod. Nevertheless, I thought we could give it a go.

Sunday afternoon...rainy day...indoors for 8+ hours straight and well....I guess it was inevitable that they would come up with something.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is there anything better than a child's laughter? Nope don't think so!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Better the monkey than Tyler!