Friday, August 1, 2008

For Rob and Amanda

If you don't go completely banana sandwich over this image, then you're out of your gourd. Please tell me you'd like to get a large print of this framed and hung in your living room.

For all those who weren't in attendance for this little photo was pure DRAMA. There were tears, there were gummi bear bribes, there were fart noises being made, there was baby poop in Robby's hand. It was eventful, to say the least.

Hope you like it guys, and I'm emailing you a copy of it right now.

Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my nephew Johnathan - my football partner, my Mario Smash Brothers arch nemesis, and all around great kid whose antics never cease to make me smile. Love you buddy!


Anonymous said...

Looking at that picture I would never have thought that the photo shoot was drama. My gosh those kids look precious!

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH... I love it...

I think Robby is like my new best friend... even though he doesn't know it ;)

He's so freaking adorable... you need to do more pics of him... he's like a little model!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

They are gorgeous! NICE WORK! sounds like you had your work cut out for ya.

Anonymous said...

I know I already commented... but I just wanted to let you know that when I came to your blog this morning the song Ain't Nothing Wrong With That started playing and Zachariah started dancing like crazy. So he approves of your play list.