Sunday, August 24, 2008

Tropical Storm Fay = Big Puddles

Yesterday we got hammered with rain all day (as local readers already know-duh) but it let up and was a pleasant deluge every now and then. Here's AJ whoop'n it up in the puddle between our house and the neighbor's house - there's a low spot there and it always FILLS with water and washes into the street every time it rains. Makes for lovely splashing. :)

{as always, click to enlarge}

I think he looks like such a big kid in this photo...
Cooper got in on the action as well

One of the things I love about rainy days is the excuse to stay in. I've come to realize that, over the last few years, (and especially with kids) I've become more of a homebody. Not that I like to SIT around my house and do nothing...because I like to stay busy - but that I like to be home. And rainy days are cozy, and warm, and give me good excuse to just stay in our house and read books, or watch t.v., or bake. And it's even better when it's a weekend and Steve-o is home too.

Here's a snapshot I stole this morning of Steve-o and Tyler on the couch.

Hope you all had a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Nice pics. Your header is amazing too! Love it!

Anonymous said...

My goodness, AJ looks so grown up in those pics! Very cute of Tyler and Steve too.

Anonymous said...

These are fun!

I never played in puddles as a kid... I was really nasty nice! I still don't like to get wet!

Anonymous said...

Is it funny to anyone else that Casey doesn't like to get wet, yet his avatar is a picture of him yoga-ing it up in the middle of the Flint River?

Anonymous said...

What a hugh surprise! AJ in the puddles and jumping up and down!!! What a guy! He is so funny and you are right, looking so BIG! How do these "babies" get so big, so fast!!!!!! Loved the pic with T and Stephen ---