Friday, March 7, 2008

News & Happenings from My Peeps

Just so you know and don't miss out (I like for everyone to be in the know so they can feel cool), you shouldn't miss the last couple posts on Casey's blog which have had some uber cool art-related themes. The video he just posted yesterday is SO, SO cool and worth the 5 minutes to watch - the end will knock your socks off.

My friend and former college roomate (now THAT would be some good blog fodder, oh my) Amy, has her own interior design biz in my former "hometown" (I used quotations because it's not actually my hometown that I grew up in, but I consider it home) Grand Rapids and she has rock'n ideas of style and decor - you should check her out. And if you're lucky you can occasionally see pictures of her adorable daughter. Although right now she's vacationing in California, the bum.

My friend and soul-sista (cuz she just "gets me") Amy ( I know a lot of Amy's) has returned to the world of blogging. She's slightly random, but her posts are thought-provoking. She has five kids AND great hair, so that alone makes her worth reading, in my opinion. And she's throwing out everything in her kitchen made from China. Check it out.

Cyber-friend Ness over at Happiness Is a Butterfly has discovered her inner artist and is also a part-time treasure recyler/ebayer. If you're into vintage, ecclectic, classic treasures, check out her ebay auctions or stick around her blog and read her introspections about life in general. She's almost always an interesting read.

Speaking of artists, want to watch a highschooler as she evolves into a photographer? Check out Steve's former student, O & A's former babysitter, Katie, who has been accepted to SCAD in the fall. She's coming along quite nicely. And I'll take the full credit for her success. Okay, not really, but I'd like to.

And then there's Clint, who I guess is sort of cool, when he's not stuck in 4 feet of mud. He and his daughter Cassie went on a mission trip to Peru last year and they're gearing up to go again this year. His experiences were/are life changing and it's interesting to see him work it all out in his mind and post about it in blogger land. They designed these really cool tshirts as a way to fund raise their trip to Peru, so you should DEFINITELY go buy one, or just make a donation to their trip if you don't want a shirt. They do good things over there. In PERU.
Donate. Now. All the cool kids are doing it.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Tammi!

Anonymous said...

hey, thanks for the e-props! you rock!

Anonymous said...

I love Amy's interior design stuff... tres chic!

Anonymous said...

Cool hair?

Soul Sista?

Five kids?

Wow, that one Amy sounds really, really cool. She really should read your blog everyday so that she could say, "Thanks, Tams!"

Maybe she's had a kid at home for three days vomiting randomnly and her "cool" hair hasn't been washed for as many days but she should still read because somebody she thinks alot of could say something that would make her day(or three).

Anonymous said...

You and your friend Amy might be interested in a site called "How Americans Can Buy American." The author appeared on Oprah awhile back, and of course is pushing sales of his book on this site. However, there are links to various products and lists of those products by brand that are made in the US and countries other than China. The URL is

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the plug! If you find any broken junk, send it my way!

Anonymous said...

no problem friends....and thanks for the link denise!

Anonymous said...

you can take as much credit as you would like =]

Anonymous said...

you can take as much credit as you would like =]