Sunday, August 31, 2008

Speaking of Politics....

I read this interesting article this morning on BoingBoing about how Palin's Wikepedia entry was scrubbed and rewritten just an hour before she was announced as McCain's running mate. Thought it was interesting.

Note to all my conservative Republican readers:
I don't CARE that her wikipedia entry was rewritten to cast her in more favorable light.
I'm sure similar things have been done for Obama and his camp.
I don't care about what you heard from your friend about Obama's brother's sister-in-law's lawyer's brother dog walker who was so shady that they had him "eliminated" from society so as not to tarnish Obama's image.
I love Palin and wish she were my best friend.
I merely thought the article was interesting.

*waving a tye-dyed flag with a peace sign on it*


Anonymous said...

I have always wondered why people go to Wikipedia as a source in the first place. Can't anyone change entries? Like you, or me? It is by the people, for the people, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is. And using it as a primary source is an indication of our nations level of basic intelligence.

Most enlish teachers don't allow wikipedia used in reports for school, so we should probably not rely on it as a primary source of information.

Anonymous said...

That being said... Wikipedia is a good starting source of information and does have links to research the info. in the entries.

I don't care if her page was scrubbed either, for any of the canidates... WE as the general public ,are so intent on finding fault with each other that it really encourages such actions any way.

Anonymous said...

Melissa - I think that Wikipedia used to be that way...but I think they've made it a little more difficult for just anyone to edit it. I'm not sure though....