Wednesday, September 24, 2008


This morning I waited in line to get gas - it was $3.59 - which is actually considerably lower than it's been the last couple weeks. I get more freaked out when I drive to 4 gas stations and none of them even HAVE gas (like i did on Monday).

what's gas cost where you live? Is there a shortage?


Anonymous said...

Gas here is $3.71. We haven't had any shortage problems.

Anonymous said...

woah.... I can't deal with the marathon posting...
Can't you be like normal bloggers & post consistently?!?

p.s. I had to find gas in Leesburg today it was $3.75 but they only had regular.

Anonymous said...

$3.78....a few gas stations near my apartment are out of gas.

Anonymous said...

the high here is $3.99 for regular and the low is $3.42

One day last week the Kangaroo was rationing gas but no one ran out. Some stations are only carring regular and filling the super and premium with regular. Which pisses off the people who's cars can't take regular.

Anonymous said...

In Michigan it is 3.99-3.84. And no one is running out that I know of.

Anonymous said...

Amanda Howell? Are you my Amanda Howell? How did you get here?

Anonymous said...

Northern Mich. gas is $4.09 to $4.19. No shortages except in the pocketbook.

Anonymous said...

Canton, OH has just dropped their prices this morning to $3.56 and no shortages of gas anywhere here that I have heard of. Course that could change at any time now that Grandpa got another vechicle.


Auntie Dee :)