Monday, September 29, 2008

Not to Beat a Dead Horse, but.......

***whack! whack! whack!** (*horse whinny*)

I've posted it on Facebook, the old biz blog, and Myspace....but have you seen my new business blog?

then you must.
Because it makes me really happy.
Go admire our handiwork. :)

And then rejoice!! Because in a few weeks this blog will be public again and you can add it to your blog reader list. :) yay!


Anonymous said...

Score! I am excited about this blog becoming public again. (I should really go to a therapist or something.)

And the new biz blog looks fabulous. :)

Anonymous said...

Yay for public! Why wait?

And yes, I've seen the biz blog and it looks super cool and professional--good job!

Anonymous said... seems to be dead :( Kinda like the horse.

Anonymous said...

link fixed. sorry 'bout that.

Melissa - I'm going to wait a couple days to make sure that clients get over to the new blog and update bookmarks. I don't want to open this up and then have people be able to find me. I'm also considering a "new" blog that doesn't have my name in the URL so that clients and potential clients can find my personal blog by doing a google search.